Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Ncm 512 session long project module 4 Negotiation Styles and Essay

Ncm 512 session long project module 4 Negotiation Styles and Communication (unites states post office) - Essay Example The shooting led to 6 people being killed on the spot and one person was seriously injured in this event. The underlying issue of this shooting was that the person was waiting for a long time and was not being served. The parties to the conflict include the lady shooter and the employees of the postal service. The chosen party for this paper is the postal service employees. There was no clear negotiation that was brought out here in this case. The angry lady instead of taking up the issue with the employees went on to take a serious step of opening fire to the building. There was a slight negotiation that was present where the lady showed signs of urgency and her body language did show a level of urgency. However my side of the parties seems to have ignored this urgency and have not been able to provide the required service to the lady. There was clearly no verbal message that was shown by the lady except the one request of asking the employees to deal with her requested service. The negotiation method adopted for this case was not a cooperative one in any manner and there was more of a competitive behavior that was seen which led the lady to take the intense step of shooting at the employees of the organization. Considering myself in this position as the employee at the counter, I would have acknowledged the request of the lady and would have explained to her that once I was done with the other customer, she would be attended to next. If there was a possibility for another employee to cater to her, I would have requested my coworker to deal with the situation. Also, based on this experience, I would have suggested to the company the need for two counters one which dealt with the urgent requests while the other which deals with the normal work. The conflict is one which cannot be anticipated, hence any decision taken at the spur of the moment would be the best that one could do. Hence I personally believe that nothing could

Monday, October 28, 2019

Globalization Localization Product

Globalization Localization Product 1. The paradoxes of globalization vs. localisation and profitability vs. responsibility In todays continuously changing world, globalization is what every business, organization, and nation should seek and welcome as a positive change. However, many people are unaware of the main focus and meaning of globalization, especially in comparison to localization. A large number of people believe that globalization is just another common word used to refer to changes and differences that cannot be explained. Therefore, many different activities or changes are improperly labelled to be a part of or caused by globalization. Localization is the process of adapting a product or service to a particular language, culture, and desired local preferences. Ideally, a product or service is developed so that localization is relatively easy to achieve for example, by creating technical illustrations for manuals in which the text can easily be changed to another language. The process of first enabling a product to be localized and then localizing it for different national audiences is sometimes known as globalization. In localizing a product, in addition to language translation, such details as time zones, money, national holidays, local color sensitivities, product or service names, gender roles, and geographic examples must all be considered. A successfully localized service or product is one that appears to have been developed within the local culture. Globalization is also a term that refers to the process of global integration of the economies of nations by allowing the unrestricted flow of goods, services, investments and currencies between countries. The process of globalization has both positive and negative impacts on life at the individual and nationals levels. Globalization and localization are almost opposite concepts but can coexist. Globalization can briefly be defined as ‘something that affects and changes the traditional arrangements. It is a term that directly implies change and therefore is a continuous process over a long period of time as compared to quickly changing into a wanted or desirable end business system. Globalization, focusing on a narrower scale, refers to sequences that occur in ones mind or behaviour that lead to processes that evolve as people or organizations pursue their daily tasks in a hopeful attempt to accomplish their specific goals. Both globalization and localization have many costs and benefits, although not always considered when making decisions that significantly affect a group or countrys outcome. Two main benefits of globalization include it being a good way for a company to make more money and also initiate more openness between countries on the economic level. Moreover, other positive aspects of globalization include the increase in productivity and improvement in standards of living. On the other hand, the benefits of localization are more beneficial to a single state/country because it involves and allows a country to have its own specific national style of economic practices that reflect upon the countrys distinctiveness. The costs of globalization mainly comprise of giving up a countrys distinction of its politics, culture, economy where as costs of localization involve less trade and international investment. Although many people view a decrease in a countrys involvement with trade and investment as a benefit, in the long run it is a cost because it denies the country the ability to communicate with other countries and to increase its technology and status (by importing and learning about other countries products). An increase in trade would also allow a country to advertise its products and abilities and export items to different countries with high odds of making a profit. Another cost of localization is its evolution from the pressures that lead organizations to narrow their horizons and participate in dissimilar forms of behaviour not always accepted and approved by globally integrated countries. The costs of globalization are not weighed as heavily as those costs of localization because time wi ll override many of the unavoidable problems. Therefore, globalization cannot be stopped and as the political and cultural changes occur, organizations with strong economic performances will survive, succeed and replace those less productive. From an economic point of view, globalization focuses on the expansion of production and trade whereas localization focuses on more narrow and specific activities of consumers and producers. These two dynamics operate in all human activity from cultural and social to economic and political activities. From the social and cultural aspect, globalization attempts to extend its ideas and practices beyond its original and present setting whereas localization discourages new ideas, norms and practices. In addition, these two sets of dynamics are linked in a way that it seems every change in globalization causes a change in localization and vice versa. Todays world affairs and processes are greatly affected by the tensions between the different aspects and characteristics of globalization versus localization. In my opinion, the benefits of globalization discussed in this paper are far more important than its costs or the costs and benefits of localization. Although, localization and globalization will continue co-existing, globalization will continue to increasingly dominate over time because most countries are generally leading to and becoming more accepting of the idea of globalization. The benefits gained by globalization are the most important to peoples lives because it aides in the learning process of people expanding their horizons and understanding the benefits to countries, organizations, and groups working together. Although losing some part of ones national identity can be a disadvantage at times, the advantages of being able to work together and help each other in a globally integrated world are much more. It is widely known that for a business to be successful it needs to provide a good or service that is desired by the public and also to obtain a profit in providing said well or service. Now while these are the most important components to a successful business, they are not the only ones. The social responsibilities of a business include the following: environmental protection and preservation, employee safety and morale, product safety for the consumer. The financial manager must keep these three social responsibilities in mind when making any and all decisions. The purpose organizations should serve has been a puzzle for strategists over years. There are two perspectives from which this paradox could be viewed: shareholder value—profitability oriented and stakeholder value—focused on responsibility. According to the shareholder value perspective, each company is established to serve the purposes of their owners. In other words, an organization should focus on increase of its stock value through the implementation of profitable business strategies. Even though it might be in the interests of shareholders to treat stakeholders well, there is no moral obligation to do so. On the other hand, stakeholder value proponents argue that a company purpose should be seen as an agreement among shareholders, employees, banks, customers, suppliers, governments and community and an entity should orient on the interests and values of its stakeholders. Stakeholders value perspective assumes that an organization should serve the interests of all parties that can be influenced by its activities or are somehow involved into the company operations. Even though all stakeholders are interested in the company profitability, there are also other business areas on which stakeholders place high value such as quality is demanded by customers; job security, occupational safety, good working conditions are required by employees; prompt payments, shared risk taking, secure demand are preferred by suppliers. Therefore, maximizing shareholders value to the detriment of the other stakeholders interests would be unjust. That is the emphasis that major shareholders place on stock pric e appreciation and dividends must be balanced against the legitimate demands of other parties. The choice of the major company purpose—the reason for which an organization exists is the essential one because it defines what will be the company mission i.e. the business philosophy that should guide strategic choices i.e. who should ensure that the strategies pursued are in accordance with the mission. If the company purpose is clearly specified, it will give direction to the strategy process and influence the strategy content. Moreover, the values share by an organizations members may have an impact on strategic choices and thus the company mission. 2. Grupo Elektra analysis For analyzing the performance of Grupo Elektra one of the helpful techniques is to scan the internal and external environment of the company with application of the SWOT analysis at different stages of its development in a chronological order. Environmental factors internal to the company can be classified as strengths (S) and weaknesses (W), and those external to the firm are opportunities (O) and threats (T). The following is the SWOT analysis for Grupo Elektra. Internal environmental factors: STRENGTHS Grupo Elektra was the first Mexican manufacturer of TV sets that allowed introducing a new product at the market. Ricardo Salinas, Elektras new CEO, employed a group of talented and competent professional managers. As a result the company had a competitive advantage in future business development based on the excellent management team that allowed achieving quality levels with greater efficiency, while other competitors was based on the trial and error approach. The company profits were properly divided: for distribution to employees, for commercial reinvestment and the product/service development. This rational division of profits allowed further continuous development of the company accompanied with employees motivated to put much effort into there work. In 1995, the company had extended its service range (domestic wire transfer, extended warranty program, photo products and processing services, as well as saving accounts) that strengthened its position at the market. The distribution network was increased to more than 500 stores all over Mexico that made Elektras products more available to customers. With four different chains (Elektra, Bodega de Remates, Salinas y Rocha and The One) Grupo Elektra covered 87% of the Mexican population it means that the company was monopolistic. The business plan for the international expansion is made by Filiberto Jimenez in order to attack the main competitor La Curacao. The plan successfully worked and in 2001 La Curacao went bankrupt that allowed Elektra redouble companys position at the Latin America market. Elektra offered 20% lower prices than it closest competitor La Curacao that gave a possibility to deserve the customers loyalty. The major factor in Elektras success was the partnership with TV Azteca. The channel did not advertise any of Elektras competitors that allow company to create unique image and to be very effective with advertising efforts. Elektra had a huge media budget of $27 million per year and it was the largest advertiser in Mexico, in terms of airtime. The strategy followed by Elektra requires careful analyses before any merger or acquisition is made and any acquisition should result in the additional value to the whole company. The strong side of the Grupo Elektra management is a well prepared and experienced management team and motivating techniques applied to employees, people are allowed with freedom to express themselves. WEAKNESSES In the management of the company there is only one person, Alvaro Rodriguez, who makes final decisions. This limited decision power may lead to difficulties in further management of Elektra. The company has a problem with the production of cloth for the clothing chain The One. The production capacity was not enough, so there were the shortage of stock level, colors and sizes of cloths. The company is not concentrated on one kind of business, there are many business directions and not all of them are enough qualified. In El Salvador and the Dominican Republic the existed Elektras business model didnt work. The main source of companys income is financial services, such as credits. The Elektra tries to attract more and more people to live on a credit and to pay quite high interest rates. External environmental factors: OPPORTUNITIES Offering Elektras services internationally provided the opportunities to compete at the worldwide market. In year 2001 Grupo Elektra was already a well recognized in many countries. THREATS Evaluation of management and suggested solutions As SWOT analyses demonstrates strengths prevail over weaknesses in Elektra case that explains continuous prosperity and success of the company in the market. However, certain weaknesses still present and are better to be eliminated. First of all, the management is performed by a group of well prepared managers while the final decision is always made only by one person, while others are not informed what principles and criteria are followed in making decisions. It is a risky strategy since biases the success of the company toward the decision of Alvaro. Moreover, it will be rather difficult in the future to replace Alvaro Rodriguez with anyone who will be equally active, smart and so well informed about the business of the company. More people should participate in the decision making process in order to avoid subjectivity and provide necessary support to the next CEO if something happens to Alvaro Rodriguez. From one side, the Elektra system perpetuates such type of culture where lower-income groups owe their lives or earnings to a central figure in this case Elektra owner Ricardo Salinas Pliego. For example, Elektra employs 4,000 â€Å"investigators† so every potential credit client can be visited at home before a credit sale is approved. From another point of view, the Elektra gives the chance of purchasing new things immediately and it makes peoples life better.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Animal Dreams :: dreams

Animal Dreams   Ã‚   "'Stop it!' I yelled. My heart was thumping. 'You're killing that bird!'" - Codi Noline, Animal Dreams   Those are the words of Codi Noline, a brave heroine with her mind set on rescuing a beautiful but defenseless peacock from horrible torture by a group of demented children on her first day back in her hometown of Grace, Arizona.   Much to Codi's chagrin, the bird turns out to be just a pià ±ata, spilling candy and bright treasures rather than a gory mass of blood and bone.   The children aren't a pack of hopelessly troubled youth engaging in animal mutilation for sport, only a normal group of kids participating in a party game very common to the Southwestern Mexico-influenced culture scared and confused by a stranger's outburst.   Anyone who has seen a pià ±ata might wonder how a person without impaired vision could mistake one of those bright, artificial paper mache creations for a living animal, but sometimes an abnormal state of mind can make the world be viewed through a murkier haze than poor eyesight could ever produce.   Codi's misconception of the peacock incident is a rather humorous story, but it has a deeper underlying meaning.   Things are not always as they seem, whether they are seen with the eyes, the mind, or the heart.   This is a truth Codi learns a little more of every day she is home.   Her own spiritual and emotional journeys are reflected in part by her changing views of the town's pet birds, the peacocks.   The town's women founders, the blue-eyed, dark-haired Gracela sisters from Spain, arrived to wed lonely gold miners and left the small town with a legacy of looks, legends, and unique wild birds. At first, the helplessness of the pià ±ata Codi believes is real "reminds her of her own powerlessness, and the fact that it has no defenders seems like her own lack of protection from  her various losses." (DeMarr, 1999)   Codi's return is not the joyous homecoming of the student voted most popular in high school, but the return of one who has always felt different and alienated.   She sees herself as an outsider because of her looks, her father's insistence that his girls were better than everyone else, and her lack of childhood memories of Grace.   Even before the incident with the pià ±ata, the peacocks pushed themselves to the front of Codi's mind by being the first thing she heard while walking through her quiet town.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe

Icon of Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe is also known as Our Lady of Guadalupe or the Virgin of Guadalupe. It is a most famous and most popular Roman Catholic image of a Virgin Mary in Mexico. The legend says that Virgin appeared to Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin, an Indian convert, in 1531 and the witness of that miracle required commemorating it by erection of a church, known as a Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe.  There were two apparitions of the Virgin Mary and after the second an icon was painted which is, actually, now one of the most famous in Mexico.This event was historically significant as following it a great number of Indians of Mexico converted into Christianity. According to the information provided in encyclopedia Britannica â€Å"in 1754 a papal bull made the Virgin of Guadalupe the patroness and protector of New Spain, and in 1810 she became the symbol of the Mexican independence movement when the patriot-priest Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla raised her picture to his banner .† (Encyclopedia Britannica)The story of Virgin’s apparition is derived from the Nican mopohua which is thought to be the original source of that event.   Nican mopohua, written in the indigenous Nahuatl language gives an account of the encounter between Virgin Maria and Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin in 1531 on Tepeyac. It says that a widowed convert Juan Diego was traveling to â€Å"attend to divine things† the woman in a bright shine appeared in front of him and said that she was a mother of God and asked Diego to tell the Bishop about her request to build a temple on this hill. She promised to come to those people who, would pray in this temple, and help them.The Nican mopohua is not the only work related to the apparition but it is considered to be the most explicit and most trusted. There is another work relating this story, but this time it is the first Spanish-language apparition account written by Miguel Sanchez. It is this document that for the first time refers to Our Lady of Guadalupe as to a symbol of Mexico. He mentions it in the context that â€Å"this New World has been won and conquered by the hand of the Virgin Mary†¦[who had] prepared, disposed, and contrived her exquisite likeness in this her Mexican land, which was conquered for such a glorious purpose, won that there should appear so Mexican an image† (Brading 2001).When in 1810 Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla and his army fought for the independence of Mexico they used the image of Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe as a sign on their clothes and also as an insignia of their campaign. After Hidalgo’s death a mestizo priest led the army during revolution. He also relied on the holy image and as Krauze in his book states he was confirmed that â€Å"New Spain puts less faith in its own efforts than in the power of God and the intercession of its Blessed Mother, who appeared within the precincts of Tepeyac as the miraculous image of Guadalupe that had come to comfort us, defend us, visibly be our protection† (Krauze, 1997).The Mexican calendar even contains the holiday to honor the Virgin, that is December 12, inscribed by the priest-revolutionary. (Matovina, 2001) Thus during the independence struggle people treated Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe as the symbol and patroness of patriots. They offered up numerous prayers at moments of difficulties and used her image on their ensigns. In this way, Brading observes, political exaltation intervened with religious faith â€Å"to produce a vehement fervor in favor of the sacred cause of liberty. The veneration for this image in Mexico far exceeds the greatest reverence that the shrewdest prophet might inspire† (Brading, 2001). In this way the icon of Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe became not only the sacred symbol of Mexico but also it acquired a profound political implication, the embodiment of the struggle for the independence, so desired by the Mexican people.Though there are still a lot of disputes as regards the verity of the legend about Our Lady of Guadalupe’s apparition its authority still remains very strong in Mexico. In addition to the reputation of the image which inspired people to fight for independence the Virgin is also the symbol of Catholicism in Mexico. As it was stated before the temple was build on the place were Saint Mary was met by Juan Diego, and it was the starting point of active conversion of indigenous people, Aztecs, to Christianity. Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe is still a sound support to the Catholics in Mexico and in other parts of Latin America.Starting from 1737 Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe was recognized to be a saint protectress of Mexico City and then almost two centuries later her protection spread all over the South America. Nowadays, hundreds of people pilgrimage to the church of Our Lady of Guadalupe located on the Cerro of Tepeyac. There are even cases when people do not just walk but crawl on their knees to the church to p ray to Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe, as it is believed that in this way they can merit the cure for their sickness or gain help in the hardship. The image of Our Lady of Guadalupe said to have been miraculously imprinted upon Juan Diego's cloak is displayed there.The woman depicted in this image dresses and looks like an Aztec maiden of the early 16th century. She has brown skin; Meso-American features, and is clothed in a turquoise tunic and a rose colored robe. In short, Our Lady of Guadalupe looks like the Aztecs and not like their European oppressors. The iconic resemblance between themselves and the woman depicted in that image was frequently noted by the contemporary Mexican pilgrims. Many Mexicans love their protectress and often call her with diminutive Virgencita. Pilgrims visit the basilica not only because of where it is, but also because of what it has. The Mexicans often feel admired that she is just like them dark-skinned with black hair and brown eyes.The image of Our Lady of Guadalupe is much more than a mere depiction of the woman Juan Diego claimed to have seen in his visions. It is also a complex collection of floral symbols, astronomical imagery, and other signs that are distinctively Aztec (Barber, 1997; Castillo, 1995). These symbols reinforce the indexical and iconic connections between Our Lady of Guadalupe and the non-Christian religious traditions of the Aztecs. The floral designs that adorn Our Lady of Guadalupe's tunic are symbolic as well as decorative (Barber, 1997).In accordance with the conventions of Aztec glyphs (standardized pictographic designs used by the Aztecs to convey symbolic meanings) the flowers are rendered with a flatness that allows viewers to see them in full. One of the flowers included in the image, the quincunx, appears only once. It is positioned over the Virgin's womb. According to Barber, this flower represented: the four compass directions of the world, with heaven and the underworld vertically encountering earth in the canter, in the â€Å"navel† of the world, or, to use the metaphor, in the navel of the moon, as they call the Valley of Mexico. (p. 72)The placement of this flower over the woman's womb signifies that she bears an important child. That the Virgin is pregnant is also indicated by the black sash she wears around her waste, an Aztec symbol of pregnancy (Castillo, 1995). Located just below the sash is another floral symbol, the nagvioli. According to Castillo, this flower â€Å"represented Huitzilopochtli, the great ferocious sun god of the Aztecs† (p. xix). Our Lady of Guadalupe is thus symbolically linked to Coatlicue, an aspect of the goddess Tonantzin, who was the mother of Huitzilopochtli. This link acknowledges her connection with the goddess she is supposed to have replaced.Also included among the image's floral imagery are nine large, triangular, heart-shaped flowers–the Mexican magnolia–which were traditionally used to represent the nin e levels of the Aztec underworld. In Nahuatl, the language of the Aztecs, the name for these flowers is yolloxochitl. As explained by Barber, â€Å"Yollotl, is `heart' in Nahuatl, and xochitl, `flower'† (p. 76). According to Barber, â€Å"Yolloxochitl was an Aztec metaphor for the palpitating heart torn from the body of sacrificial victims† (p.76).Human sacrifice played a prominent role in the pre-Christian Aztec religion. Barber goes on to state that yolloxochitl can also be â€Å"read as another glyph, too: tepetl, hill, and precisely, Tepeyac Hill† (p. 76), the hill upon which Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared to Juan Diego and the location of the shrine of Tonantzin that had been appropriated by the Spanish missionaries. This flower, then, ties the Virgin to Tepeyac, the hill's previous pre-Christian tenant, and to ritual practices valued by the Aztecs. Some of the flowers that adorn the tunic of Our Lady of Guadalupe are connected with the Aztecs' rich astrono mical symbolism.According to Barber the eight-petaled flowers: can be identified with a Nahuatl glyph for Venus, the Morning and Evening Star. Venus as Morning Star was associated with their god and culture-hero, Quetzalcoatl, who after his self-immolation was taken up into heaven as the  morning star. (p. 73) The image's astronomical symbolism is not limited to flowers that adorn the Virgin's tunic. There are also solar, lunar, and stellar symbols. The most significant of these is the crescent moon upon which the Virgin is situated. To the Aztecs, this symbol represented the Valley of Mexico, their geographical, cultural, and spiritual center.Once it officially affirmed Our Lady of Guadalupe, the Church embraced her with a great show of public enthusiasm. Over the years, the Church has assigned to her such honorific titles as Patroness of Latin America and Empress of All the Americas.Works Cited ListBarber, J. â€Å"The sacred image is a divine codex.† In A handbook on Gua dalupe (pp. 68-73). New Bedford, MA: Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, 1997Brading, D.A. Mexican Phoenix. Our Lady of Guadalupe: Image and Tradition Across Five Centuries. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001.Castillo, A. â€Å"Introduction†. Goddess of the Americas/La Diosa de las Americas: Writings on the Virgin of Guadalupe Ed. A. Castillo (pp. xv-xxiii). New York: Riverhead Books, 1995.Krauze, Enrique. Mexico, Biography of Power. A History of Modern Mexico 1810-1996. New York: HarperCollins, 1997Matovina, Timothy â€Å"Hispanic Catholics: ‘El Futuro' Is Here† Commonweal. 128. 15. September 14, 2001â€Å"Guadalupe, Basilica of.† Encyclopaedia Britannica. 2006. Encyclopaedia Britannica Online.   22  Mar.   2006  ;;

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Day the Cowboys Quit

Ashley Tran 9:00 AM History 1301 Lori Lehtola John Brown John Brown was an abolitionist who had a big hatred over slavery. His feelings of hate were so strong over slavery that it led him to seize the United States arsenal at Harper’s Ferry. John began a huge massacre along the Pottawatomie Creek along the Kansas territory. It all began on the month October and the year of 1859. Brown had a psychotic way of thinking and doing things. John’s great plan was to arm slaves for a future rebellion.He was an anti-slavery man and tried to do everything in his power to keep slavery from happening in Kansas, but he was also a murderer. I believe that he told people he was anti-slavery, which he was, but had a feeling inside him that liked taking other people’s lives. The three authors who contributed to the article about John Brown were W. E. B. Du Bois, Robert Penn Warren, and David S. Reynolds. Their respected backgrounds impacted their views of Brown and his actions. W. E. B. Du Bois’s background was greatly respected by Brown’s article. W. E. B. elieved that because of John Brown’s actions over slavery, it gave everyone his or her right to freedom. According to Du Bois, all men are equal and are no less than one another. Du Bois stated that â€Å"slavery is wrong† so we must â€Å"kill it†. His opinion is respected by John’s actions because he views it in a way in which that what John Brown did was right. He earned us our freedom. If it weren’t for what Brown did, we wouldn’t have our freedom. W. E. B. was one of the most influential African American intellectuals of the 20th century. He played a founding role in the NAACP, which was a path breaking civilization.Because of how Du Bois viewed John Brown’s actions and how he strongly believed that what he did about slavery was right would be an impact on why he got involved with the National Association for the Advancement of Colored Pe ople. Robert Penn Warren believes that even though John Brown had such an enormous religious faith, God was not on neither sides of John Brown nor the South. What Brown did was abnormal and not Godly, according to Warren. Robert’s background has impacted his view on John Brown in a way that he believed Brown was responsible for his criminal- like actions.He believes that what Brown did to the proslavery was not based on God. Meaning, it wasn’t a God based decision, it was more of a Godly excuse he used towards his criminal actions. Robert mainly focused on themes of Southern culture and history. His personal understanding of John Brown’s actions has greatly impacted his history about the south and his knowledge about its history of culture. David S. Reynolds wonders how John Brown could spare murder with such a religious faith. David stated that Brown â€Å"used violence in order to create a society devoid of slavery and racism. He believed that John Brown didn ’t just do it for slavery, but did it because his goal was a democratic society; race, religion, and gender didn’t even matter. David has his particular opinion about Brown’s actions because he thought that what Brown did to these proslavery people wasn’t for the reason he said for doing so. Reynold’s background has impacted his view on John Brown and his actions because he can inform others about his opinion on Brown’s actions. His opinion †reflects a twenty-first century on Brown informed by the September 11, 2001, terrorists attacks on the United States. Basically, he thought of John as more of a terrorist than a hero of slavery. W. E. B. Du Bois, Robert Penn Warren, and David S. Reynold’s were all impacted in different ways by John Brown’s actions. Their own particular opinions were based on how they viewed John Brown’s actions. John’s huge massacre at Pottawatomie Creek was his psychotic way of handling things. He was a murderer of proslavery and his excuse was God. These three authors who contributed to John Brown’s article were interested in African American society or Southern history. Their view on John Brown’s history has impacted their own.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Sources of Energy essays

Sources of Energy essays Have you ever thought about how we get the energy to run the things we take for granite every single day. There are many sources of energy that that are used for transportation, heat, light, and the manufacturing of goods of all kinds. The development of science and civilization is closely linked to the availability of energy in useful forms. The seven main energy sources are fossil fuels, hydroelectric, solar power, win power, geothermal, nuclear power, and biomass energy. By harnessing the sun, wind, falling water, plant matter, and heat from the earth, energy planners expect to decrease the environmental impact on energy use. Most of the nonhydro renewable power comes through some form of combustion, such as the burning of biomass, landfill gas, or municipal solid waste. Little electricity comes from solar, wind, and geothermal sources. Factors that are increasing interest in renewable energy include cost advantages in niche markets, regulatory pressures, customer service r equirements, fuel flexibility, and security. One of the biggest source of energy is fossil fuels. Fossil fuels have served as a reliable source of heat for cooking and warmth since the beginning of history. The common fossil fuels are coal, peat, lignite, petroleum, and natural gas. Coal gas, coke, water gas, and producer gas can be made by using coal as the principal ingredient. These such artificial gases can be used for fuel, illuminant, and a source material for the manufacturing of synthetic ammonia. Gasoline, kerosene, and fuel oil are made from petroleum. They are mainly used for transportation if the fuel is used in a liquid form. Natural gas is a natural mixture of gaseous hydrocarbons found from the ground or obtained from specially driven wells. The composition of natural gas varies in different localities. It is used extensively as an illuminant and a fuel. Some geologists theorize that natural gas is a by-product of decaying ve...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Porsche Branding Study Essays

Porsche Branding Study Essays Porsche Branding Study Paper Porsche Branding Study Paper Porches was completely acquired by another giant automobile company, Volkswagen GAG in July 2012 and resold 10% of its holding back to the founding family, giving them full control. Porches owns 50. 73% of the voting rights in Volkswagen GAG. Besides selling its own sportscast, Porches also provides automotive financial services, engineering services and consultation services to other automobile companies. The companys revenue has reached ?13. 9 billion with ?2. 44 billion Operating income in 2012. Porchs slogan There is no substitute demonstrates how proud they are about the exclusiveness of the brand. Currently, this company has more than 17,500 employees worldwide. The Marketing STEP Process, (Primp. 2013) The market segmentation, targeting and positioning (STEP) process is a way to define the market, create market segments, and select target customers which guide the company to develop and implement appropriate marketing mix. 1) Segmenting Consumer Markets Demographic segmentation divides the market into groups based on variables such as gender, age, income and geographical locations etc. Porches s a luxury automobile brand, its target customers are middle aged single male, mainly 35-55 years old with high average annual gross income: who are willing to spend money on high-ended and expensive consumer goods. Lately, Porches has extended its product line to the Sport Utility Vehicle (SUB) market which TA regrets the high income family group; as well as the luxury saloon/sedan targeting the business car market. Cryptographic segmentation which divides buyer into different groups based on social class, lifestyle and personality traits. Luxury sportscast are not daily necessities. People willing to ay for a Porches sportscast tend to use it as a tool to reflect their wealthy and superior social status. This is one of the reasons why Porches always advocates on its high quality engines, designs, engineering and assembled materials. 2) Target Marketing Target market consists of a set Of buyers who share common needs or characteristics that company decides to serve segmented by above criteria mentioned in 1). Designated marketing strategies have been developed to apply on different target segments. 3) Positioning Positioning statement: Offering high-ended sports car at a comparatively seasonable price among similar market players. Position Map of the vehicle market As we all know, Porches Company positioned itself as manufacturer providing High Price, High Quality sports cars. It is actually categorizing the brand with outstanding and exclusive product attributes. The price range of the Porches vehicles vary from HECK$800,OHO to depending on the types and models. It is interesting that among the high-end sportscast brands, Porches has a very special pricing strategy. Porches Company is actually positioning itself in the high-end sportscast division, but selling its cars at a imperatively reasonable price among similar market players like: Ferreira, Mistreat, Budgets, Zoned and etc. These brands are offering even more expensive sports cars when compared with the Porches Company. By putting itself in this position, Porches has successfully entered the targeted market in an easier way and allow consumers to purchase the sportscast at an affordable price. Besides, there is an interesting fact that the Porches Company is also offering Powered cars on their official website. You could search the used Porches cars through their official website by location and mind if there are any suitable used Porches cars for the customers. This move could help Porches to infiltrate its products into the general public more efficiently. The Marketing Mix, ups Marketing mix is the most flooded word in the marketing field and it is a useful tool to look at how a business is positioned to reap the benefits of marketing. A Marketing mix is mainly described by four units; including product, price, place and promotion. These units support each other and work together to maximize the benefits of Marketing. 1. Product Porches Company mainly focuses on providing specialized, high-end sports icicles. Product Variety Porches categorized its sportscast into several product lines as follow. Firstly, the Booster roadster series (the 91 1); the flagship model established its reputation in the Daytona Racing in the mid-sass and won major world championship sports car races. Secondly, the Cayman series which is a hard top car model similar to the Booster but offering in a lower price. Thirdly, the mid-size luxury Sport Utility Vehicle (SUB), the Cayenne. Lastly, the high performance luxury saloon/sedan (the Ephemera). Product Durability It is reported that for 70% of the cars produced by Porches are now still inning on the road which means the German precise engineering provided an extra long running life. Besides, the Pre-owned cars selling in their official website shows Porches has 100% confidence on its used car. Product uniqueness In terms of automobile design, a OR (rear-engine, rear-wheel drive) layout is a very unique technique. It is very rare for car manufacturers to place the engine at the back of the car, but this unique design turns out to give a physically smaller, lighter, less complex and more efficient deteriorative. This unique deteriorative is a distinctive selling proposition for Porches sportscast to fraternity from its competitors as there are nearly no car manufacturer offering such kind of chassis design. 2. Price The price of a product is a large determinant of how the market responds to the product. The key factor affecting the pricing strategy of Porches is the production cost; the company will be forced to cover the cost in order to make revenue. Competition pricing Porches sets lower price for the products when compared with its direct competitors, this allows them to capture larger market share. The vehicle prices Of the Porches Company ranged from WHISKS,OHO to By offering sportscast with similar specifications, this is definitely a very compatible price range in the market. Even at a relatively lower price, Porches still guaranteed to provide top quality vehicles and maintain its elite market status. Premium Pricing The high product prices can already tell the exclusiveness of Porches products. Consumer generally believed that a premium priced product equals to high quality. It is easy to understand that a HECK$800,OHO European Porches sportscast must be better than a HECK$200,OHO Korean Handy car. 3. Place It refers to the channel of distribution, and how reachable it is to their customers. The intermediaries offer the manufacturer greater efficiency in making goods available to target markets. Distributorship Porches Company is a world wide automobile manufacturer, they sell cars all around the globe, include: North America, Latin America, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Asia and Australia. Just like most of the automobile company, Porches makes sales through local distributors. Until 2012, there are more than 900 distributors across the world offering Porches vehicles. Shop Environment Most of the Porches distributors are located in the central business district or he prime area of the cities. This helps the company to reach the targeted customers more precise and accurately. For example Porches Hong Kong showroom locates at a very eye catching position along Gloucester Road, Wan Chi. Character oaf brand is not solely represented by the products, but also its presenting images. Borschs distributor showrooms are decorated with modern designs and spacious environment to demonstrate Porches spottiness, performance and luxury characteristics. 4. Promotion The German firm spent massive investment in promoting its brand to create awareness among the targeted customers.. Event Sponsorship Porches sponsored different kinds of motorists competitions such as the El Mans, Rally, Formula One, Indy Cars and some amateur racing. And the key success flagship model sportscast, the Porches 911, established its reputation in the Daytona Racing in the mid-sass and won major world championship sports car races. This model has been classified as Porchs most successful sportscast and more than 820,000 units had been sold until 2013. Comparative advertising is a usual method adopted by Porches. The Company used a lot of printed advertisements, they placed these printed advertisement in famous Mens magazines with masculine and stylish tone expressing their exclusiveness, sportiveness and benefits of owing a Porches car. Besides printed advertisements, Porches also made some television commercials when there is new product launch. The T PVC deliver lifestyle and slice of life messages. Customer Relations Porches has introduced the Porches Club globally; it is a community for Porches enthusiasts across different counties and cities. They conduct Porches-related events including club racing, morning drive activities, and drivers education activities. Besides Porches Club, the company also holds jugular Porches Driving Experience Day, which allows the general public to reach the Porches Sport Driving School and experience driving pleasure with their cars. By engaging targeted customers in the above activities, Porches successfully created a bonding with its customers, enhancing stronger brand loyalty. Celebrities endorsement In 2013, Porches has signed the 26-year-old world class female tennis player Maria Sharecrop as its spokesperson. Porches GAG CEO Matthias Mueller expressed that Maria Sharecrop is an exceptional athlete combining top performance in her sports with elegance and power which perfectly fits the mage of Porches. And the charming appearance of Sharecrop can definitely attract Porchs target customers middle aged male. Customer Based Brand Equity (Keller, 2003) As lenience Porches, the brand name itself already represents high performance sportscast, almost all civilized people in the world aware of this brand. However, people will not think of this brand very frequently because Porches vehicles are very high involvement products. It requires a very long consumption consideration period before making a purchase decision. Performance Comparing to its competitors, Porches is actually providing superb cars with lassie but fashionable design. Their sportscast satisfied all basic needs of customers with reliable and durable technical performance but at the same time with a comparatively lower price among its competitors. Imagery General public generally agreed that Porches is a grand master class brand; it is not available in ordinary car dealers showroom showing its exclusiveness. Besides, the Made in German represents high quality and precise. Judgments Considering its quality and credibility, Porches is well-known of its precise, excellent engineering and assembling techniques. The superiority of the rand is also one of the considerations in this area, the unique product design and compatible pricing become advantages that their competitors cannot offer. Feeling Regarding the feeling, Porches sportscast give their users fun, excitement, social approval and self-respect. The sophisticated Porches Company always means the elite status, premium vehicle and a symbol of wealthy. Resonance Concerning the resonance in users point of view, Porches did very well to build customer relationship. For example, there are many Porches enthusiasts who are keen in collecting Porchs sportscast, holding local riving event and build private Porches lovers communities. Not only the enthusiasts will participate in the above activities, ordinary drivers are also willing to share their feeling and experience with other Porches owners. Besides, official Porches club has regular newsletter to strengthen the bonding between Porches car owners and the brand. The Prism of Identity Seafarer (1992) Brand identity could be represented by a six-sided prism diagrammatically. Each market condition gives raise to concepts and methods to adapt to such conditions. When products werent so abundant, one simply resorted to an old Unique Selling Proposition. After the era of image, positioning, and brand personality, we have entered into the brand identity era. Porches Company is now ranked 78th in the Conferee Ranking The Brands Top 100 Positions. Ranking The Brands. Com collects all brand rankings published worldwide and can find the position of the brand. It is compiled on the basis of all the rankings, the position of a brand in the list is determined by the number of rankings in which it appears and takes into account its position in each ranking. Reasonably Priced Porches (left advertisement) In this advertisement, it states Look at it this way, its either an expensive portrays or a very reasonable racer. Porches is actually differentiating itself in a unique position, a high ended sport car, but one can also consider it as a very reasonable priced racer. It shows that both the product quality and pricing of Porches fall between sportscast and racer. Example of Comparative Advertising (right advertisement) In this print advertisement, it expresses the meaning of owning a Porches is different from a Ionians or a Mediumistic vehicle, no matter on performance of the car or the social approval aspect. In the left advertisement, it states that the ours of El Mans car racing exults and Porchs racers conquered most Top 1 0 places except the 8th runner-up. Theres no tougher endurance race than El Mans. stated in the lower part of the advertisement. Expressing that the extra durability and the powerful Of Porches engineering.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Roberto del Rosario, Inventor of a Karaoke Machine

Roberto del Rosario, Inventor of a Karaoke Machine Roberto del Rosario (1936–2007) was the president of the now-defunct Trebel Music Corporation, a founding member of the Filipino amateur jazz band The Executives Band Combo, and, in 1975, the inventor of the Karaoke Sing Along System. Known as Bert, del Rosario patented more than 20 inventions during his lifetime, making him one of the most prolific of Filipino inventors. Fast Facts: Roberto del Rosario Known For: Holds the 1975 patent for the Karaoke Sing-Along SystemBorn: 1936 in Pasay City, PhilippinesParents: Teofilo del Rosario and Consolacion LegaspiDied: August 2003Education: No formal musical educationSpouse: Eloisa Vistan (d. 1979)Children: 5 Early Life Roberto del Rosario was born in Pasay City, Philippines, in 1936, the son of Teofilo del Rosario and Consolacion Legaspi. He never received formal music education but learned to play the piano, drums, marimba, and xylophone by ear. He was a founding member of The Executive Combo Band, a well-known amateur jazz band headed by post-World War II Filipino politician Raà ºl Sevilla Manglapus and architect Francisco Bobby Maà ±osa. The band started in 1957 and played in gigs all over the world, jamming with the likes of Duke Ellington and Bill Clinton.  Roberto del Rosario married Eloisa Vistan and together they had five children; Eloisa died in 1979. In Taytay, Rizal- under the business name Trebel (Treb is Bert spelled backwards and El is for his wife)- del Rosario manufactured harpsichords and the OMB, or One-Man-Band, a piano with a built-in synthesizer, rhythm box, and bass pedals that can all be played at the same time. He also developed and patented a singalong machine using minus one technology (originally on cassette tapes) in which vocals are subtracted from extant instrumental tracks. Del Rosario is one of several people who are associated with the invention of a karaoke machine. Karaoke is a compound Japanese word from karappo meaning empty and o-kestura meaning orchestra. Sometimes translated as empty orchestra, the phrase means something closer to the orchestra is void of vocals. Music Minus One Minus one technology has its roots in classical music recording. The Music Minus One company was founded in 1950 in Westchester, New York by classical music student Irv Kratka: Their products are professional musical recordings with one track, vocal or instrumental, removed, for the purpose of allowing a musician to practice along with the professionals at home. Multi-track recording was developed in 1955, and the technology to remove one track became available to professional musicians and publishers afterward, primarily to allow them to adjust the track balance or rerecord them to get a better sound. By the 1960s, Minus one technology was used by migrant Filipino musical personnel, who used the technology at the request of their promoters and record labels, who wanted to save costs by hiring fewer musicians. In 1971, Daisuke Inoue was a keyboard and vibraphone backup player in a high-end Kobe, Japan, bar, and his abilities were in great demand at customer parties. A customer wanted him to perform at a party but he was too busy, and he recorded the backup music on tape and gave it to the customer. After that, Inoue assembled a team of an electronics specialist, a woodworker, and a furniture finisher, and together they built the first karaoke machine using 8-track tapes, complete with microphone and echo effect, called the 8-Juke. Inoue leased his 8-Juke machines to working-class bars lacking the budget to hire live, in-house musicians in the nightlife hub of Kobe. His coin-operated 8-Juke machines featured Japanese standards and popular tracks recorded by backing musicians without vocals in 1971–1972. He clearly created the first karaoke machine, but didnt he patent or profit from it- and later he denied he was an inventor at all, claiming he simply combined a car stereo, a coin box, and a small amp. The Sing Along System Roberto del Rosario invented his version of a karaoke machine between 1975 and 1977, and in his patents (UM-5269 on June 2, 1983 and UM-6237 on November 14, 1986) he described his sing-along system as a handy, multi-purpose, compact machine that incorporates an amplifier speaker, one or two tape mechanisms, an optional tuner or radio, and a microphone mixer with features to enhance ones voice, such as the echo or reverb to simulate an opera hall or a studio sound. The whole system was enclosed in one cabinet casing. The main reason we know of del Rosarios contribution is because he sued Japanese companies for patent infringement in the 1990s. In the court case, the Philippine Supreme Court decided in del Rosarios favor. He won the legal recognition and some of the money, but in the end, the Japanese manufacturers reaped most of the benefits by later innovations. Other Inventions Besides his famous Karaoke Sing Along System Roberto del Rosario has also invented: Trebel Voice Color Code (VCC)Piano tuners guidePiano keyboard stressing deviceVoice color tape Sources Music Minus One. Music Dispatch, 2019.Roberto Bert del Rosario (Mr. Trebel) Facebook.The Joaquins. Bert del Rosario is Karaoke inventor! My Family and More, June 5, 2007.  Roberto L. Del Rosario, Petitioner, Vs. Court Of Appeals And Janito Corporation, Respondents [G.R. No. 115106]. Supreme Court of the Philippines, March 15, 1996.Soliman Michelle, Anne P. National Artist for Architecture Francisco Bobby Maà ±osa, 88. Business World, February 22, 2019.Tongson, Karen. Empty Orchestra: The Karaoke Standard and Pop Celebrity. Public Culture 27.1 (75) (2015): 85-108. Print.Xun, Zhou and Fancesca Tarocco. Karaoke: the Global Phenomenon. London: Reaktion Books, 2007.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Discuss how the credit crunch could affect corporate decision making Essay

Discuss how the credit crunch could affect corporate decision making over the next few years - Essay Example Taking the Asian example, in the years succeeding 1997, both the demand and supply were determined to have been affected by the credit crunch. Demand for credit declined as consumption and investment were sharply reduced due to uncertainty, overcapacity, weakening economic conditions, and the negative wealth effect arising from a fall in asset prices. The borrowers lost credit worthiness, which made banks reluctant to lend, even at higher interest rates. The financial system will also be affected in such a situation, resulting in the decline of supply of credit, which further weakens its demand (Lindgren, 1999, p. 24 - 25). According to Jubak (2007), in a credit crunch, lenders stop lending and credit becomes tough to obtain. Credit crunch is a crisis that feeds on fear and uncertainty. A lender can compensate for fear by raising interest rates, tightening credit standards or writing more protective covenants into the terms of a loan. But if the size of the losses is uncertain enough, lenders cant compensate for the additional risk because lenders dont know how large that risk might be. Credit crunch is characterized by extremely depressed liquidity and deteriorated balance sheet positions for households, corporations and financial institutions; sharply increased interest rates as all sectors scramble for remaining available funds; rising yield differentials as investors sell risky investments and switch to safe assets; a severely depresses stock market; and the inability of many borrowers to obtain funds at any cost (Wolfson, 1994, p. 22). The supply of funds is restricted not only because of the tight monetary policy by reducing bank reserves, but also due to smaller deposit inflows to financial institutions and reduced savings flows (Wolfson, 1994, p. 22). In order to study the causes of credit crunch, Clair and Tucker (1993) focus on the Texas banking industry and the credit crunch phase of seven years starting 1986. The authors

Friday, October 18, 2019

Movie the Italian Job (2003) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Movie the Italian Job (2003) - Essay Example The job was always successful without a drawback until one of the group member Steve (Edward Norton) gets greedy. He blows Bridger away, leaving the others for al fresco fish chow beneath an alpine lake. Only one person is more marked than Croker and that's the Bridger's daughter, safecracking specialist Stella (Charlize Theron). Still soggy, Croker and the lads return to LA where they enlist her services to take back the gold, and more importantly, stick it to Steve. According to Hamblin (2009), Charlie Crocker (Mark Wahlberg), and his group of thieves pulled off the crime of a lifetime by stealing a safe which was filled with gold bricks of thirty-five million dollars. But in this event, the thing that did not go according to his plan was the possibility of double cross by his own group members. And being cheated by his own group members his main aim was to take revenge of his mentor’s (Donald Sutherland) death. According to his review there are lots of similarities between the movies of 1969 and 2003. Both the characters Charlie Crocker and John Bridger are from the original movie of 1969. In a few cases the action scenes of this movie with three minis are same as the old one. There are similarities were in the moves used in the fights, such as traffic jams as well as in case of chases in a drain. (Hamblin, 2009, 290). The movie The Italian Job of 2003 is a smart funny movie with full of entertainment. Between the action scenes featuring wild boat rides through the canals of Venice, chase scenes involving the coolest little cars on wheels, and an intricately planned act of revenge lies a film filled with some great dialogue and smart acting by all the actors. According to Murray (nd), the movie starts off with a good and highly educated group of thieves pulling off the perfect heist, stealing huge amounts of gold from a strict guarded place in Venice. Till that point, everything was according to the plan, but one group pulls a double cross and therefo re taking out John Bridger (Donald Sutherland), and brains behind the entire group, forced to split up the group vows revenge on traitor Steve (Edward Norton). According to him the movie, takes off on a riotous ride over and under Downtown Los Angeles. The most important point associated with this film that stand out from the standard heist film of 1969, is mainly the attractive choice of casting of the movie, to match the character with actor for even the most minor player. â€Å"The Italian Job† works because all of the actors are totally believable. According to the report published in BBC by Stella Papmichael, the main difference with this movie and the original movie is adds wallop lacking in the original version. In the new movie the revenge adds wallop which is occasionally destabilized by Mark Wahlberg's cosmic anti-presence. In this new version of the movie, Charlize Theron is the key behind driving this movie forward , taking the wheel with quiet confidence. Accordi ng to Papmichael, It's just a shame the flirty cat-and-mouse game between Stella and Steve heads up a cul-de-sac to give way for Croker..The culminating 'big job', with a trio of Mini Coopers incongruously zipping through LA gridlock, has all the audacious mischief of its progenitor. The difference is you don't have to endure an hour of dull cockney banter

E-participation model Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

E-participation model - Dissertation Example Since attitude can significantly affect their behavioral intention to use e-partipation, several studies purposely has decided to adopt the use of TAM as a way to explore and examine the end-users’ attitude on e-participation (Sahari et al., 2012; Wang and Lo, 2012; Hung, Chang and Yu, 2006). To identify factors that could affect people’s intention to use the e-government system in Malaysia, Sahari et al. (2012) conducted a cross sectional study. According to Sahari et al. (2012), factors that can affect the citizen’s use of e-government system include not only the perceived ease of use but also other factors like â€Å"perceived usefulness†, â€Å"social influence†, â€Å"attitude†, â€Å"trust†, â€Å"intention to use behaviour†, â€Å"ICT infrastructure†, and the â€Å"personal background† of each person (i.e. age, race, educational attainment, skills in using ICTs, and service group). Based on the research find ings, factors like â€Å"perceived ease of use†, â€Å"perceived usefulness†, and â€Å"social influence† has a strong impact on â€Å"users’ attitude† and that factors like â€Å"attitude† and â€Å"trust† strongly influence the â€Å"users’ behavioural intention† to use the e-government system (Sahari et al., 2012, p. 329). ... 100 – 101). With regards to attitude behaviour, Hung, Chang and Yu (2006) conducted a primary research study which aims to examine the impact of dependent variables such as â€Å"perceived usefullness†, â€Å"perceived ease of use†, â€Å"perceived risk†, â€Å"trust†, â€Å"personal innovativeness†, and â€Å"compatibility† on attitude and the impact of attitude on the general public’s intention to use e-government services. Based on the research findings, perceived usefullness, perceived ease of use, trust, personal innovativeness, and compatibility has a strong positive impact on attitude and that attitude has a positive impact on intention to use e-government services (Hung, Chang and Yu, 2006). Using on environmental factors such as â€Å"subjective norms† and â€Å"perceived behavioral control† as well as the citizens’ attitude towards the use of internet and mobile technology in e-democracy, Nchise (2 012) purposely investigated the citizens’ decision on technology adoption. After examining e-democracy in the concept of â€Å"planned behavioral theory†, Nchise (2012) found out that â€Å"environmental subjective norm positively influences the citizens’ attitude to adopt e-democracy†; â€Å"citizens’ perceived behavioral control over e-democracy positively influences their attitude to adopt e-democracy†; and that the â€Å"citizens’ attitude toward e-democracy positively influences their intention to adopt e-democracy†. Wang and Lo (2012) also conducted a research survey study which aims to examine factors that will somehow influence the citizens’ intention to use e-government websites. Based on the research findings, Wang and Lo (2012) found out that factor such as â€Å"perceived usefulness† and â€Å"perceived ease of use† has a strong impact

Interpretative Phenomenological Approach Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Interpretative Phenomenological Approach - Essay Example They found that interactive environmental activities in an outdoor programme had a significant impact on attitudes and that passive instruction had little impact on retention of knowledge. A scale of this type consists of a series of bipolar adjective pairs (e.g. good-bad, beneficial-harmful) listed on opposite sides of a page, with seven spaces in between. The attitude object is identified at the top of the scale and may be a word, statement or picture. The respondent is instructed to evaluate the attitude object by placing a mark in one of the seven spaces between each adjective pair. Development of semantic differential scales stems from the use of theory of reasoned action to investigate science-related attitudes. This is particularly important in the field of Psychology education where behaviour is a clear objective. In their theory, suggest that attitude measures should focus on a person's attitude toward behaviour rather than on the person's attitude toward particular objects. That is, instead of asking about students' attitudes towards the r researchers should assess their attitudes toward learning about the experience. This method is called the Interpretative Phenomenological Method, which is the approach used in this study in analysing the experience of Zoe, a teenager who has been adopted by a family. Interpretative Phenomenological Approach is a method which is considered as consonant with the picture presented above is introduced. Interpretative phenomenological analysis is a method which attempts to tap into a natural propensity for self-reflection on the part of participants (Abraham and Sheeran, 2001). Obviously the degree to which individuals are used to expressing such reflections, orally or in writing, can vary and some people need more encouraging and facilitating than others. But a central premise of the method is allowing participants to tell their own story, in their own words, about the topic under investigation. However, research is not a simple, singular process and the original account from the participant in the form of an interview transcript or diary entry, for example, then needs to be analysed closely by the investigator. Interpretative phenomenological analysis is about attempting to discover meanings, not eliciting facts, but trying to find out what a person's health condition means to them requires considerable interpretative work on the part of the researcher (Abramson et al., 2003). The resultant analytic account can therefore be said to be the joint product of the reflection by both participant and researcher. This study will provide a brief theoretical contextualisation for interpretative phenomenological analysis and then argues for the particular relevance it has for health psychology. It is worth pointing out that this approach aims to have a dialogue with, and to help enlarge, the discipline of psychology not to attack or stand outside it. As will become apparent, interpretative phenomenological analysis can make a valuable contribution in enriching the way mainstream psychology conceives of the individual's experience of adoption. Method The interpretative phenomenological analysis applied to the social psychology as an application to the study on the experience of the subject Zoe as an adopted in a family. The first example is from a study examining how Zoe feels of him being adopted. The project involves analysis of long semi-structured interviews with Zoe. Because the study is

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Contemporary issues in american society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Contemporary issues in american society - Essay Example The PATRIOT Act is but one example of a continuing authoritarian, totalitarian and some would argue treasonous breech of power has far-reaching consequences, not only for the battle for control in Washington D.C. but also in the way it affects the liberties that people enjoy both in the U.S. and abroad. The enacting of the PATRIOT Act initiated an avalanche of legislation that eroded civil liberties. The Act, as many citizens and legal experts alike have argued, violates the fundamental rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution’s first ten amendments, the Bill of Rights. This includes the freedom of speech and assembly (First Amendment); the freedom from unreasonable search and seizure (Fourth Amendment); the right to due process of law (Fifth Amendment); the right to a speedy, public and fair trial along with the right to counsel and to confront the accuser, (Sixth Amendment), the freedom from cruel and unusual punishment (Eighth Amendment) and freedom from punishment without conviction (13th Amendment). (Sinnar, 2003) According to former President Bush, â€Å"The PATRIOT Act defends our liberty. The Act makes it able for those of us in positions of responsibility to defend the liberty of the American people. It’s essential law† (Allen, 2004). Paul Rosenzweig, a senior legal research fellow at Heritage is convinced that Ronald Reagan, the champion of modern-day conservatism, would support the PATRIOT Act. (Lakely, 2005). According to some conservatives such as Rosenzweig, the Patriot Act poses no threat to civil liberties because it â€Å"has all the checks and balances on police authority that has been around for years† (Lakely, 2005). Despite the vehement opposition to the PATRIOT Act, its critics even acknowledge that it has been effective in building a more cohesive link between all levels of law enforcement including the intelligence agencies. The Act does not give away the civil liberties that were earned by the bloodshed of our

Security in Educational Institutions Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Security in Educational Institutions - Case Study Example 2. The problems: This disaster can be attributed to the runaway gun culture prevailing in the nation owing to easy access to highly powered weapons as well as a deep culture of violence through music, film and video games, according to Q&A: US campus killings, BBC News published on April, 17, 2007. (Unknown, BBC News, 2007) This case can primarily be qualified as an excuse for political survival and some of the most lethal loopholes in gun control created by Republican-controlled Congress. These loopholes are inaccessibility of the state and local police forces from getting information about illegal gun sales due to gun lobby as well as the disdain of the security forces for abiding to the sale of firearms to people on federal watch lists of terrorism suspects. 3. The solution: The immediate question in this case arises is whether putting the campus on a full lockdown earlier could have saved the 30 people killed in the second shootout. However, considering the bigger picture, various solutions could be considered like the state legislatures passing gun control bills, dropping the liberalization bills or rising the legal age of possession of guns to 21 along with having a complete background check of the buyer prior to sales.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Contemporary issues in american society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Contemporary issues in american society - Essay Example The PATRIOT Act is but one example of a continuing authoritarian, totalitarian and some would argue treasonous breech of power has far-reaching consequences, not only for the battle for control in Washington D.C. but also in the way it affects the liberties that people enjoy both in the U.S. and abroad. The enacting of the PATRIOT Act initiated an avalanche of legislation that eroded civil liberties. The Act, as many citizens and legal experts alike have argued, violates the fundamental rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution’s first ten amendments, the Bill of Rights. This includes the freedom of speech and assembly (First Amendment); the freedom from unreasonable search and seizure (Fourth Amendment); the right to due process of law (Fifth Amendment); the right to a speedy, public and fair trial along with the right to counsel and to confront the accuser, (Sixth Amendment), the freedom from cruel and unusual punishment (Eighth Amendment) and freedom from punishment without conviction (13th Amendment). (Sinnar, 2003) According to former President Bush, â€Å"The PATRIOT Act defends our liberty. The Act makes it able for those of us in positions of responsibility to defend the liberty of the American people. It’s essential law† (Allen, 2004). Paul Rosenzweig, a senior legal research fellow at Heritage is convinced that Ronald Reagan, the champion of modern-day conservatism, would support the PATRIOT Act. (Lakely, 2005). According to some conservatives such as Rosenzweig, the Patriot Act poses no threat to civil liberties because it â€Å"has all the checks and balances on police authority that has been around for years† (Lakely, 2005). Despite the vehement opposition to the PATRIOT Act, its critics even acknowledge that it has been effective in building a more cohesive link between all levels of law enforcement including the intelligence agencies. The Act does not give away the civil liberties that were earned by the bloodshed of our

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Computer Professional Ethics Journals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Computer Professional Ethics Journals - Essay Example In this digital age of technology, computer scientists are having difficulty in implementing and controlling the access of information, particularly in various web sites. This is also the case for computer software/programs that are often being pirated (or distributed illegally) across the globe. At some instances, such programs are being illegally adulterated to look as the same as that of the original, thus this can easily apply for intellectual property rights (this scenario had been the case of Microsoft as the Internet Explorer was patterned after Netscape’s technology). With such privacy laws and principles, third-party users and computer scientists will be able to safeguard their rights against â€Å"pirates† who would do anything just to get hold of such technology and exploit it for their own consumption. Furthermore, such laws are essential in safeguarding computer programs or other related information that are critical, not only to the overall welfare of the computer scientist, but as well as to the welfare of the digital

Monday, October 14, 2019

Terror Human Rights

Terror Human Rights Has the â€Å"war on terror† enhanced or harmed human rights? In the words of Howard Zinn, historian, playwright, social activist: How can you make a war on terror if war itself is terrorism? The war on or against terrorism continues to wage as we talk about it and attempt to find solutions to the looming danger that threatens our civilization in itself. The war on terror has been used as a weapon by governments around the world to achieve selfish motives, to satisfy egos and secure futures. There is no tangible enemy, and it is unlikely that international terrorism can be brought to an end by means of war. Terrorism continues to be an unknown enemy, without a clear identity and that is why military invasion like the ones repeatedly brought about by United States on already ravaged countries is not a solution. Terrorism is a theatre where the acts of terror attract the attention of the public in a dramatic manner creating a sense of shock, awe and unprecedented grief. However it must be remembered that no war is correct, no war is worth the loss of our morals as human beings. In the present article, the argument that is to be presented is that the so called ‘war on terror has harmed the human rights of many all over the world. The phrase has been used to deprive millions of people of their dignity, assets and life itself. The article attempts to understand the question of how many rights can be given up for security of the nations that claim to have been attacked and have hence waged the war on terror. Terrorism in the modern sense is violence or other harmful acts committed (or threatened) against civilians for political or other ideological goals. Most definitions of terrorism include only those acts which are intended to create fear or ‘terror, are perpetrated for an ideological goal as opposed to a lone attack), and deliberately target or disregard the safety of non combatants. Any form of military action can be termed terrorism. The famous quote that, â€Å"One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter†, has been the basis of attempts to justify revolutionary movements which have been termed as acts of terror. It was during the French Revolution that the words terrorist and terrorism became popular. The word terrorism began in 1795 during the reign of terror by the revolutionary government during the French Revolution. Terrorist acts were committed in order to gain attention of the world. For example, in the Munich Olympics in 1972, 11 Israelis were killed by the Black September Organisation and even though the eleven killed were the immediate sufferers the true effect was felt by nearly 1 billion people watching the news in the world. Terror has been continuing over the ages in one form or another. What is seen as a crime by some is the act of protection of ones own identity and culture by the other. In this sense, the most recent event that completely stunned the world was the bombing of the two world trade centre towers on September 11, 2001. The world watched with disbelief as United States faced attack on its own soil. What followed and continues is an example of the â€Å"war on terror†, as specified and focused on by George Bush, President, United States of America. The use of the word war here is not only misleading but regressive. According to the US understanding, terrorism includes only the anti state violence acts like September 11, 2001. The question here that can be put forward is then what about state violence, what about the use of excess police force, the use of military/ paramilitary in an indiscriminate manner. The morning of September 11, 2001, was a day that will remain etched in our minds forever as the event killed 2973 innocent people whose human right to life had been curtailed. However the world must remember what followed and continues as you read this is also gross violation of human rights. In an attempt to fight the terror which caused September 11, United States government has been carrying out massacres on innocent civilians in both Afghanistan and Iraq. In attempting to find the enemy, and eradicate it, the US policies and arbitrary use of military force has not only killed many more people but has resulted in some of the worst human rights violations witnessed in human history. The immediate effect of September 11 was the widespread discrimination against Islamic Muslims especially young males. The world has remained a silent spectator to the steps taken by US which has used providing long denied â€Å"freedom† to civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan as an excuse to enter these countries. The reason provided for the invasion has been the emancipation or the upliftment of the people in these two countries. However, instead of upliftment these countries have been ravaged of all resources and are continued to be plundered. Human rights have become a latter issue with people attempting to stay alive amongst continuous bombings and military invasions. The world has been a silent spectator for nearly five years after the falling of the two towers to United States government that has been taking steps, using force to achieve illusioned motives and actions completely opposed to the basis of International Law. The right to fair trial is a basic human right, constructed to protect individuals from restriction or deprivation of basic rights and freedoms such as right to life and l iberty. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights provides for this right in Article 10. Along with this the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) provides for the right to fair trial in Article 14. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), also includes the right to be free from arbitrary arrest and detention(Article 9), the right to be present at trial(Article 21), the right to be free from torture(Article 7) and the right to appeal(Article 26). The four Geneva Conventions of 1949, which protect civilian populations and those fighting in hostilities, principally during international armed conflicts but also during internal conflicts such as civil wars, contain provisions to ensure a fair trial. However legitimizing of the Patriot Act puts all this in a gaping question. This act is squarely against various rights protected and guaranteed by the Constitution of United States and various international documents such like the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Convention against torture and All forms of Racial Discrimination. The Patriot Act allows non- citizens to be detained without charge without a right to fair trial and be held in prison indefinitely if convicted. This Act also allows the government in United States to look into details of the lives of the citizens in the country without prior permission. This includes, monitoring of emails, wiretapping, keeping an eye on property acquisitions, educational as well as financial records. This Act is clearly against the right to privacy and allows the government to arbitrarily interfere. The United States governments acceptance to the Military Commissions Act can be co nsidered a major step towards human rights violation in the ongoing â€Å"war on terror†. Acceptance of such documents which allow the use of uncensored force are opposed to the basic idea of International Law. Under the rubric of the â€Å"war on terror†, the United States government has detained thousands of people in their own territory and around the world. A majority of the detainees are denied access to a fair trial and are held without a charge. There is a clear violation of the basic fundamental right to due process, which is a clear right guaranteed by the US Constitution. Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib tell a story of torture so evil that it shakes the foundation of human rights. There have been revelations of brutality in these prisons in the form of beatings, sexual humiliation and methods of torture which are almost surreal to a normal person. Guantanamo Bay, the famous prison outside territories of United States has given the world pictures of the torture within the â€Å"war on terror†. It has been and continues to be a lawless place. The circumstantial evidence of torture at Guantanamo Bay is cogent and well documented. The most discouraging revelation is the fact that the methods of torture were encouraged and propagated by the Military Commission which provided acceptance to such inhuman treatment. Though the detention at the Guantanamo Bay prison is clearly against the articles of the Geneva Conventions, and particularly Article 75 of the First Protocol Additional to the Geneva Convention of 1977 which states that coercing a prisoner to confess in unlawful, the defence of United States government to the detention remains that the definition of prisoners in Guantanamo Bay includes enemy combatants and not prisoners of war; hence the Geneva Convention does not apply. It is clear that Guantanamo was chosen as a base for torture so as to hold detainees beyond the reach of the United States as well as International Law, which clearly states that the use of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment is prohibited. No matter how one defines the prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, the fact underlying the whole scenario remains that sadism and humiliation are at work in every cell in this prison by one of the strongest governments in the world. Guantanamo Bay has become one of the strongest symbols of human rights abuse carried out in a planned manner by the United States government, and five years of such lawlessness and killing is too long a time to go unstopped. President Bush indeed confirmed the fact that there are secret prisons of the CIA in various countries away from the United States soil. The clear indication here is that somehow US wants to take its suspects beyond the reach of their own law and treat them in an inhuman manner. Another important thing to note here is that there are countries all over the world which have allowed United States to create such torture prisons on their own soil. Not only the United States but many countries in the world are losing sight of the basic human right to life, dignity and respect in the ongoing â€Å"war on terror†. United States Government also has policies under which individuals are transported to other countries for the purpose of interrogation. Among these countries are countries with records of torture. This policy is known as the policy of â€Å"extraordinary rendition† of detainees for the purpose of gathering information using forms of torture. â€Å"Extraordinary Rendition† is the illegal practice of abducting foreign nationals for detention and interrogation in secret overseas prisons. Recent accounts of rendition have a chilling pattern- black clad masked men grab foreign nationals, strip them, beat them and take them to the so called â€Å"black site† prisons, where these people are subjected to unspeakable horrors including no sleep, water boarding, beatings, isolation and mental torture. This often leads to false confessions. After the September 11 attacks, extraordinary renditions clearly involve kidnapping of persons the United States suspects to be a part o f the Al Qaeda network and transporting them to countries where torture is used to derive information on how to bring the â€Å"war on terror† to a successful end. On 18th December 2001, CIA operatives kidnapped two Egyptians, Ahmed Agiza and Muhammed al-Zery, who had sought asylum in Sweden. They were seized and conveyed by a US government-leased private jet to Egypt where both were subjected to, amongst other things, the use of electrodes to sensitive parts of the body. It transpired that the Swedish government cooperated after being assured that the exiles would not be tortured. Seymour Hersh in his book Chain of Command: the road from 9/11 to Abu Ghraib has revealed that the CIA confessed to Congress that before 2001 it there were about 70 extraordinary renditions, which were assigned the status of being absolutely urgent. However since 9/11 the Bush Government has refused to even discuss the forced return of such prisoners. The worldwide flow of prisoners in relation to the â€Å"war on terror† continues to grow and prisoners have been kidnapped and tortured not only from the war zones but also from contries like Sudan, Croatia, Albania, Malaysia and Pakistan. If the prisons of Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay represent what democracy means to countries like Iraq then the whole credibility of American leadership is under question. Across the country and the world racial discrimination has been faced by many, particularly the Muslims. Across United States, after the attacks on 9/11 individuals of Middle Eastern descent and racial minorities became targets of vicious racial discrimination. Thousands of Islamic men were taken into custody without a right to fair trial. Deportation of thousands of people belonging to religious minorities has taken place without any access to judiciary. Persons suspected of any connection with terrorist organizations have been detained without any notification to families for unspecified amount of time. The question that arises here is that is President Bush truly above the law, as he is authorizing torture on these thousands of detained individuals on the basis of suspicion, denying them the basic human rights. A sign of the fact that Bush considers himself above the International Law is the instance on December 5th 2007, when the US Supreme Court heard administration lawyers defe nd the indefensible: that the President can ignore the writ of Habeaus Corpus and hold people indefinitely, without charge and without question. The hearing challenges the judicial system of United States, and attempts to say that fear not freedom is guiding the judiciary in the US. This in itself questions the basic values of truth, justice and liberty which are the cornerstones of a just society. Article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights clearly states that, â€Å"Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.† This read along with Article 9(1) of the ICCPR provides everyone with a basic guarantee of protection of the right against arbitrary arrest and detention, a clause that United States government has been flouting for years now. International standards clearly talk about not only the grounds of arrest not being arbitrary but also specify that the arrest should be on definite grounds and procedures established by law. There is a clear fallacy concerning liberty and security. Today we face a trade off between national security which is pitted against civil liberties and human rights. The most important question as posed by David Luban in his article on eight fallacies about liberty and security is â€Å"How many of your ‘own rights are you willing to sacrifice for added security?† However this trade off seems rather dishear tening as there is no definite way off knowing how much added security is a person to gain at the loss of liberties. The future of human rights as minute increments for security looks bleak as there is a growing belief that basic rights of citizens ought to be abandoned or at least suspended in order to deal with the growing threat of terrorism. This means that if two or more people endanger property in any manner they can be termed a ‘terrorist organization by the Secretary of the State, individuals may be put behind bars for thinking of pro Islamic virtues, or teachers is school would be stripped of their headscarves as this a threat to security but not a threat to their religious way of life. In the words of Amnesty International, attacks by armed groups reached new levels of brutality and intensity in 2005 but insisted that the perpetrators should be brought to justice through fair trial, not torture or secret detention. The â€Å"war on terror† was failing, the report claimed, and would continue to fail â€Å"unless human rights and human security are given precedence over narrow security interests.† Civil liberties as we have known them are under severe attack now. One belief that threatens them is that the so called â€Å"clash of civilizations† has threatened the integrity of a nation to such an extent that exceptional and unprecedented actions are required to deal with the problem and this includes putting civil liberties at stake for national security. In todays world there are examples that governments world over cannot even provide the rudiments of human security in war torn areas like Sudan and Darfur to people facing hardships at the indigenous levels and to the one billion people who survive with less than one dollar a day. If security of life cannot be provided at such basic levels, even a discussion to gain security in return of liberties being suppressed seems like a lost cause. The question that can be asked is â€Å"Has the era of human rights come and gone?†, the answer to which may be that the era hasnt gone but human rights are challenged in order to respond to the concerns over human security in the world today. Maybe the restrictions on liberty are justified but only to the extent of preserving liberty itself and not for attaining order or security, which is what the world powers seem to be doing in the ongoing war on terror, with illegal deportations, use of torture and invading all boundaries of privacy of citizens; acts that are opposed to the basic beliefs of liberty and security to human beings. Is it correct to assume guilt, to frame people on beliefs of suspicion and to torture them indefinitely? In the case of Rasul v Bush, the US courts held that the detainees in Guantanamo Bay have a right to be heard. Everyone has a right to fair trial, a right to live with dignity and respect, with protection of privacy and related aspects of human rights. Addressing a Counter Terrorism Committee, the late High Commissioner for Human Rights Sergio Vieira de Mello said that: â€Å"[Such] measures must be taken in transparency, they must be of short duration and must respect the fundamental non- derogable rights embodied in our human rights norms. They must take place within the framework of the law. Without that, the terrorists will ultimately win and we will ultimately lose- as we would have allowed them to destroy the very foundation of our modern human civilization.† In conclusion as stated by the 9/11 Commission Report (2004:395), it can be said that: â€Å"We must find ways of reconciling security with liberty, since the success of one helps the other. The choice between security and liberty is a false choice†¦ our history has shown us that insecurity threatens liberty. Yet if liberties are curtailed, we lose the values that we are struggling to defend.†

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Thermodynamics :: physics science

Thermodynamics can be defined as the science of energy. Although every body has a feeling of what energy is, it is difficult to give a precise definition for it. Energy can be viewed as the ability to cause changes. The name thermodynamics stems from the Greek words therme (heat) and dynamics (power), which is most descriptive of the early efforts to convert heat into power. Today the same name is broadly interpreted to include all aspects of energy and energy transformations, including power generation, refrigeration, and relationships among the properties of matter. One of the most fundamental laws of nature is the conservation of energy principle. It simply states that during an interaction, energy can change from one form to another but the total amount of energy remains constant. Energy can not be created or destroyed. A rock falling off a cliff, for example, picks up speed as result of its potential energy being converted to kinetic energy. Although the principles of thermodynamics have been in existence since the creation of the universe, thermodynamics did not emerge as a science until the construction of the first successful atmospheric steam engines in England by Thomas Savery in 1607 and Thomas Newcomen in 1712. These engines were very slow and inefficient, but they opened the way for the development of a new science: Thermodynamics. All applications in nature involve some interaction between energy and matter; thus, it is hard to imagine an area that does not relate to thermodynamics in some matter. Therefore, developing a good understanding of basic principles of thermodynamics has long been an essential part of engineering education. Thermodynamics is commonly encountered in many engineering systems and other aspects of life, and one does not need to go very far to see some application areas of it. In fact, one does not need to go anywhere. The heart is constantly pumping blood to all parts of the human body, various energy conversions occur in trillions of body cells, and the body heat generated is constantly rejected to the environment. The human comfort is closely tied to the rate of this metabolic heat rejection. We try to control this heat transfer rate by adjusting our clothing to the environmental conditions. Other applications of thermodynamics are right where one lives. An ordinary house is, in some respects, an exhibition hall filled with wonders of thermodynamics. Many ordinary household utensils and appliances are designed, in whole or in part, by using the principles of thermodynamics.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

What Is Changing In The Technology Of Heavy Construction Mac :: essays research papers

SUBJECT: What is changing in the technology of heavy construction machinery?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In being one of the leaders in the construction industry, it is our duty to keep up with and push ourselves in acquiring upcoming technology. As per your request on the topic, we have created a team to not only acknowledge some of the possibilities we may be faced with in the future, but to assess the causes and effects of the technology advancement. As one of the nation’s top contractors, we know first hand the importance that quality equipment plays in the completion of projects and percentage of profits retained from those projects. One vital piece of machinery that is not functioning properly can effortlessly place a job behind schedule and behind budget. And so it is easy to understand how any possible progression of equipment science could be of great importance to the company. In this report, we want to focus on two links stemming from the subject of construction equipment technology. The first point being, theoretical causes for technology advancement and the second point being, conceptual ideas currently in the works. In our research, we found that concrete findings were rare and few between, being that much of this subject is speculation or â€Å"napkin† design ideas. However; with all that our society is accomplishing and inventing everyday, it is easy to visualize the possibilities that we may be looking forward to in the coming years. Causes: Some theoretical explanations   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There is no exact, scientific reason for which manufactures are looking to the future of construction machinery and seeing the equipment being run by computers, not operators. But there are some theoretical reasons why. To begin with, there is currently a shortage of skilled operators being felt by many companies; including ours. Along with this shortage of skilled operators, follows a shortage of skilled repair technicians to fix any malfunctioned machinery. The reason for this is that the present skilled labor coming into our work force is more educated . Therefore; they are more technical in most respects, and less interested in operated machinery then in controlling it. One reasons for this effect is thought to be due in part to the reality that kids in recent decades were not brought up playing with their toy trucks in the dirt outside, but with computer and video games. Each new generation is raised with a greater knowledge and understanding of technology, what its possibilities are and what it can do for them.

Friday, October 11, 2019

A Summary of Leadership and what it entails

At one degree a leader is the individual who non merely influences what happens but is able to do things go on by originating alterations, forming how alteration happens and doing all the necessary constructions, determinations and activities meaningful. But, accepting this position of leading should n't intend that we manipulate co-workers and alter their behaviour to suit our prearranged norm. It does intend that to be an effectual leader we need to be able to give co-workers a sense of apprehension of what they are really making in the school. In seeking to clear up leading in simple footings – it is utile to sum up some of the common traits that characterize effectual leaders.A This sort of sum-up can be divided into specific countries and include how leading has to be concerned with: a sense of duty the demand to finish undertakings being willing and able to take hazards holding the capacity to manage emphasis Bing able to act upon and organize the attempts of co-workers.Leadership manners and functionsLeadership has to be about edifice and keeping a sense of vision, civilization and interpersonal relationships every bit good as affecting direction issues that include the coordination, support and monitoring of our schools as organisations. We have to be able to equilibrate both functions. There is a utile statement from an infant caput instructor in an article calledA Effective School Leadership, published by the NCSL: ‘Leadership is about holding vision and articulating, telling precedences, acquiring others to travel with you, invariably reexamining what you are making and keeping on to things you value. Management is about the maps, processs and systems by which you realize the vision. ‘ What is of import about our manner of leading is that it needs to be appropriate for what is go oning and for the undertakings or procedures that are taking topographic point. All manners of leading have to take into history, foremost, how to finish undertakings and, secondly, what is the best manner to finish them. This is the procedure that everyone goes through in footings of effectual squads and relationships between co-workers. Tasks will non be completed decently by co-workers who are non motivated. There is a helpful step that tries to equilibrate undertakings and procedures utilizing four different manners of leading depending on how of import the undertakings are, or how of import squad work and the relationships between co-workers are: Stating co-workers what to doA – this is high on acquiring undertakings finished and low on developing and prolonging relationships and squad work. Selling an thought to colleaguesA – once more, this is high on undertakings but besides means that relationships are of import because a certain sum of understanding is necessary. Carrying co-workers to participateA – this is comparatively low on undertakings as the most of import facet of this manner of leading is to acquire co-workers working efficaciously together. Delegating to colleaguesA – this is low on undertakings and low on relationship and is a mature manner in a school with committed and effectual squads. Leaderships are able to confidently delegate undertakings to co-workers who themselves will hold to make up one's mind what leading manner to utilize. There are fundamentally, two sorts of functions necessary for a leader. One derives from the place held – you as caput instructor, your deputy or adjunct caput and so on. The other from personal abilities and see – many of these abilities are included in the earlier list of leading, interpersonal and professional accomplishments for leading. Having the ability and expertness and utilizing all the available accomplishments will intend that you and, in fact, any leader at any degree in the school ‘s hierarchy has the of import function of: calculating what needs making be aftering how to make it forming what needs to be done deputing undertakings to allow co-workers, squads and working parties coordinating and commanding what happens Monitoring and measuring its success.Leadership at many degreesIn many ways we are merely every bit good as all the remainder of the leaders we have in topographic point. This is mostly because leading has to be exercised at many degrees. All instructors are, for illustration, leaders in their ain schoolrooms because the existent procedure of instruction is about act uponing, directing, puting marks, utilizing appropriate resources and monitoring and evaluating successes. As instructors develop their accomplishments they will get down to take co-workers as course of study coordinators. Their functions, like ours, will affect people, information and determinations. In schools – all our schools – we will necessitate to take and advance leaders and leading along the undermentioned lines: Associating good to peopleA – this is where you have to move as a sort of front man and speak at maps such as meetings with parents. At the same clip you will be choosing, back uping, preparation, mentoring, monitoring and actuating co-workers you work aboard. Using information to take and raise standardsA – there is a changeless demand to supervise, fact happen and measure state of affairss by roll uping every bit much information as possible from persons, squads of instructors and from paperss and studies. Once the information is collected it has to be used to pull off alteration and to raise criterions by being disseminated and communicated to whoever needs it. This will intend clear and articulate meetings, written memos, well-managed treatments, studies and policy paperss. Leadership and determination makingA – all leaders have to take determinations and all facets of leading involve determination devising. Some determinations are instant statements, for illustration those affecting wellness and safety and hazard appraisal. Many others, nevertheless, will affect audience and consensus. This means meetings and meetings mean co-workers who may necessitate converting that alteration – and most determinations are related to alter – has to go on. In fact working with co-workers and taking them forward is far from easy. We all need to do certain that we place a high premium on the human dimension of leading and the demand to acknowledge and advance non merely the development of our ain considerable accomplishments but those of all our co-workers. Possibly stoping as I started will organize a orderly circle. But instead than utilize a glib definition of leading Lashkar-e-Taiba ‘s quotation mark from Ibsen who suggests that, ‘a community is like a ship and everyone ought to be prepared to take the helm ‘ .School ContextAn Elementary School with about 500 pupils described largely as helter-skelter and ailing organized school with no activities, development or any mission. The school is located in a freshly decentralized territory where a popularly elected council of parents, community members, instructors, and decision makers decides on the principal ‘s contract, approves the budget, and passes the school betterment program. The aim is to make a clime that will promote both pupils and instructors to hold a clear mission focused on a uninterrupted betterment in all Fieldss of the school life. As the new rule I will make my best to see hallways that are safe and orderly, categories that are more interesting and piquant, every bit good as programs going accomplished.Plan/Changes/MethodologyBefore get downing the alteration procedure, go familiar with the school betterment rhythm, the phases of the alteration procedure, and alteration theoretical accounts associated with each. Leaderships must be able to separate between the school betterment rhythm and the alteration procedure, find where the school is located within the alteration procedure, and place appropriate following stairss. Learn more about the complexnesss of the alteration procedure by reading, speaking with adept practicians, and go toing seminars. Accept the alteration procedure as a positive experience to be understood and embraced, instead than a negative experience to be feared and avoided. When you are ready to get down the school betterment procedure, bring in alteration experts and facilitators to construct the capacity of school staff to take alteration attempts. It is of import to pull upon the expertness and accomplishments of university module, cardinal office forces, external advisers, professional staff developers, and others. Lead treatments about the school ‘s â€Å" history of alteration † in order to understand how and why past alteration attempts have succeeded or failed. Learn about the functions that principals, instructors, cardinal office staff, parents, board members, and others involved in functioning kids and young person drama in the school betterment procedure, and utilize this cognition to organize effectual school betterment squads. School leaders should understand and cultivate their functions and the functions that others play within betterment enterprises. To construct a more collaborative school civilization, institute module survey groups and cross-grade or section squads and supply clip for collegial work. Build committedness and a collaborative civilization to back up the alteration procedure by being a â€Å" leader of leaders, † holding and pass oning high outlooks, and showing assurance in school staff and the environing community. Form partnerships with parents, concerns, and societal service and community bureaus to consolidate resources and run into the full scope of pupil demands – emotional, societal, and academic – in order to better pupil acquisition. Create high-achieving acquisition environments by choosing and incorporating a assortment of plans to better instruction and acquisition. Establish and follow a set of guidelines for implementing new attacks to student acquisition. Reflect on your leading patterns utilizing leading manner stock lists, studies, and/or checklists. Use a assortment of methods to observe success ; for illustration, some schools have used the undermentioned activities to observe success: Planing squads have repasts together at the terminal of the twelvemonth to reexamine advancement and celebrate success. Principals send out praises and notes that celebrate success. Schools clasp assemblies to acknowledge non merely the success of pupils but of their squads. The chief base on ballss out java cups with the school logo to acknowledge instructors and squads that have been peculiarly successful. The school betterment procedure takes topographic point in three phases: induction, execution, and institutionalization. Knowing about the challenges and jobs every bit good as the success factors associated with each phase of the alteration procedure can increase the likeliness of success. Initially, some members of the school community – including school staff – may be loath to alter. School leaders, through their actions and words, can get the better of such reluctance by honoring risk-taking and encouraging school community members to offer new thoughts and schemes. If reforms are to better larning for all pupils, leaders must happen and implement meaningful course of study and effectual instructional plans for an progressively diverse pupil population. To guarantee that reforms do non overlook full groups of pupils, leaders must understand the civilization and demands of diverse pupils. Without a focussed attempt to aline and incorporate school betterment enterprises, the likely consequence will be fragmented, uncoordinated plans and activities that may hold conflicting aims. It is up to school leaders to make a shared vision and mission for school betterment, to organize assorted alteration attempts so that they work together toward similar aims instead than against one another, and to guarantee that these attempts reach for the common end of improved acquisition for all pupils. Leaderships of betterment attempts need to turn to the jobs of resources ( clip, money, and support ) , the demand to develop and retain knowing and motivated forces, and the challenge posed by the switching ends of the cardinal office, the province, and the local community. Leaderships should be wary of mismanaged understanding. Everyone in a group agrees to a determination – even though no 1 in the group supports the determination – because they are unwilling or unable to pass on their reserves ; it besides refers to a state of affairs in which everyone in the group agrees about a job that must be solved, but no one actively pursues schemes or actions to cover with the job. Therefore, leaders must foster squads that are able to pass on and work out jobs openly. Now that the school has identified the assorted constituents of its betterment program, the undertaking is to convey everything together into a consistent plan of patterns that will turn to its identified demands and ease the betterment procedure. The program must besides include all necessary execution information ( e.g. , who is responsible, timeline ) . Some territories or provinces have a needed format for schools ‘ action program. For those that do n't, this activity helps participants reflect on the most appropriate format to back up their alteration attempt. There is no â€Å" best † layout for an action program. Depending on the nature and demands of different schools and depending on any province or local demands by which they must stay, the manner in which their action programs are laid out will differ. The primary intent of the action program is to be a utile tool for steering school staff in implementing agreed-upon effectual patterns and support activities. Having a clear and comprehensive action program helps guarantee the effectivity and efficiency of a school ‘s betterment attempts. Developing and implementing a school betterment program is an iterative procedure ; if a program is to be effectual, betterment attempts must be on-going and uninterrupted, their consequence reviewed and documented in the class of execution. Having all improvement-related information in one complete papers provides a clear image of the full betterment enterprise, its ends, and how all patterns and support activities are intended to suit together in traveling the school toward those ends. This helps prevent atomization of attempt and, over clip, makes it easier to place countries of failing or incompatibility. Having one comprehensive papers besides makes updating information and maintaining path of execution activities much easier. Using an electronic templet can be particularly helpful for easy updating the program.Memoranda – LetterssBelov ed Parents:I wanted to take a minute to present myself to you.A As you are likely cognizant, I am the new Principal at Elementary School.A I am honored that this community/school territory has chosen me to take the Elementary School.A Although I merely started a few yearss ago, it is already evident to me that this is a lovingness and welcoming environment.A I am looking frontward to run into your kid ( kids ) on the first twenty-four hours of school.A I feel that my duty as the Principal is to guarantee your kid receives a quality instruction within a safe, respectful environment.A I know the staff here portions that same focus.A I am a house truster in the home/school connection.A Please experience free to reach me at the school with any inquiries, concerns, or merely to present yourself.A Working together merely enhances your kid ‘s educational experiences.A As a affair of concern, I ask that you please be understanding as we continue to work to guarantee a safe school environment.A Your kid ‘s safety is our first concern at dismissal/arrival. To this terminal, we ask that you follow the initial modus operandis outlined in the parent missive you late received with your kid ‘s category assignment.A These modus operandis may alter somewhat as we begin the twelvemonth and find the figure of kids being picked up by their parents.A Besides, the territory has enacted a policy sing altering your kid ‘s normal dismissal routine.A If you need to alter your kid ‘s agencies of transit place, this must be done in authorship by 1pm.A Telephone petitions will non be honored.A I understand this is a alteration from old years.A However, this policy helps to guarantee a safe dismissal.A If you have any inquiries sing this, delight name us. I hope your enjoy the staying yearss of summer vacation.A We will see everyone on August 30th.A Respectfully, PrincipalBeloved Teachers/Students:I would wish to take this chance to present myself and portion my exhilaration about my assignment as the new principal at Elementary School.A Elementary had a repute of excellence and I feel fortunate to be fall ining a school civilization focused on pupil acquisition, a committedness to high outlooks, invention and collaboration.A It is my purpose to go on to transport out these of import traditions and practices.A I would wish to construct on the same repute here at Elementary and ask for you to assist us find what is best for your kid by go toing monthly forenoon javas, parent conferences and academic events. I would wish to portion some information about my educational background and professional experience.A After graduating from XYZ School, I attended ABC University.A While at ABC, I studied Shakespearean Theater.A After having my Bachelor ‘s grade in Elementary Education, I attended XXX University where I earned a Masters in Education-Reading Specialist.A I taught for 10 old ages in New York before my move to Galveston.A I spent five old ages learning in Galveston while besides prosecuting my enfranchisement in Educational Leadership.A I have spent the last 15 old ages in XXX company as an decision maker. I look frontward to be a portion of a warm and caring school environment and working together with each of you this year.A Please experience free to name or halt by for a visit.A If you have inquiries or concerns, pleased do non waver to reach me. Sincerely, Principal